This is the game for Ludum Dare #36, whose theme is ancient technology. I used the one of the concepts of Chinese Four Great Inventory -- the gunpowder. Originally, the gunpowder is used for lighting fireworks. So I made a game about the Emperor and ceremonies. You, as the firework lighter, are asked to select where to light the fireworks in order to maximize the satisfactory of all people.
There are six levels in total, all of which has new features to play.
The source code is here:
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The name 'iwanna' makes me think of a series of games which are famous of their cheating and difficulty
For a Ludum Dare game it has a high degree of completion, with multiple levels and mechanics that is introduced into the gameplay. Ancient China inventions are a very good material for the theme "ancient technology", so I think the game would be more fascinating if there were some more Chinese elements presented in the game - only in aesthetic way is enough, such as adding some lanterns, more ancient-Chinese like houses, etc - so that the scene will more likely be in an ancient China town rather than having everything looks like a generic western fantasy style town. Although time in a game jam is always very limited, imo some improvements on matching the theme would help more!
最近由 daichou03 修改于:2016-09-04 21:41:40作为一个Ludum Dare游戏完成度相当高,在游戏过程中有多个关卡和多个机制。四大发明是个很切题的题材,所以我觉得在画面表现上如果多一些中国元素的话,比如加几个灯笼啊,或者房子弄得看起来更中国一点什么的,会更好,因为现在看起来画风和西方奇幻里的小城镇没区别嘛!Game Jam里时间总是不够的,不过我觉得在画面上花点功夫使得游戏更切题会很有帮助!